Case of 12 comprehensive lab-based soil test kits with access to our technology platform that shows you precisely what lawns, gardens or food plots need for a successful growing season. Ends guesswork and frustration, with test results that include recommendations for specific types and amounts of fertilizer and soil amendments. Uses proven soil science to provide the fastest, most reliable route to success.
What’s inside:
- 12 soil sample bags
- 12 pre-addressed, postage-paid mailers
- 12 sets of collection and registration instructions
- 12 customer care cards
The product also includes:
- On-line registration
- QR scanning
- Address geolocation
- Satellite-guided square footage calculator
- Email report notification
- Digital report with lab results and recommendations
- Pre-paid lab processing fee
- Online dashboard access
Using the Mehlich III extraction method, SoilKit tests for: pH, Buffer pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, CEC, and organic matter.
Optional Features
Co-branding. For large orders, we can co-brand this product with your company’s brand. Minimum order quantity. Contact us for more information.
Inactive Kits
For large orders, inactive kits can be issued for a far lower price. Depending on how deployed, either the end-user or the business will pay full price only when, and if, activated. Often used for landscaper marketing programs. Minimum order quantity. Contact us for more information.